Asta Powerproject Training

Catalyst offers a comprehensive learning platform for businesses striving to master Asta Powerproject, a sophisticated and dynamic project management software. By leveraging Catalyst, firms can access bespoke training and with immersive practice, tailored for diverse skill levels in Asta Powerproject.  

This method ensures that team members acquire the essential knowledge and the deeper expertise required to adeptly navigate Powerproject.

Asta Powerproject underscores its real-world utility and, through Catalyst, gains the backing of seasoned industry professionals, effectively narrowing the chasm between theoretical grasp and hands-on application.  Opting for Catalyst’s Asta Powerproject training bolsters a company’s project management prowess, aligns with top-tier industry norms, and fosters precision, efficiency, and overarching project triumph.

Construction worker reviewing project details on a clipboard, symbolizing the meticulous planning and management skills taught in Asta Powerproject Training.

Course Contents

Asta Powerproject Training

Catalyst’s Asta Powerproject Training is a meticulously crafted two-day program designed to equip attendees with the essential skills needed to proficiently use Asta, Elecosoft’s leading project management software.

  • Day One: Building, Progressing and Baselining Project – Our training starts with an exploration of project creation within Asta Powerproject. Attendees will actively engage with crucial components such as crafting the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), defining activities, connecting tasks, and setting up calendars. This hands-on approach equips participants with the essential skills, setting the groundwork for advanced topics in upcoming sessions.
  • Day Two: Working with a Personalized Template to Build, Progress and Baseline a Project – Today’s session begins with a Day 1 recap and a preview of our objectives. We’ll explore Asta Powerproject’s personalized templates, emphasizing consistent project management and efficiency in tracking progress, adjusting timelines, and ensuring on-time delivery using real-world examples. The day concludes with a Q&A, inviting attendees to share insights and feedback.

At Catalyst, we offer a thorough training program for Asta Powerproject, designed to cover every aspect of this leading project management tool. Our course delves into building projects, defining structures, managing roles and resources, progressing activities, and creating precise reports. 

By emphasizing real-world scenario and hands-on experience, our seasoned trainers ensure that attendees, regardless of skill level, gain a deep working knowledge of Asta Powerproject.  Our well-rounded approach enables participants to take on complex challenges with confidence and skill, making our training an investment in your professional development.

Lesson 1


The Project Management Lifecycle is a structured process that guides a project through five key phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure—to systematically manage and complete complex projects within defined constraints such as time, cost, and quality.

Lesson 2

Introduction to Asta Powerproject

The first step of our Powerproject training introduces participants to Powerproject. We explore its key features such as Gantt charts, progress tracking, and reporting tools, setting the foundation for managing complex projects efficiently.

Lesson 3

Required Background Knowledge

To work effectively in Asta Powerproject, a basic understanding of Microsoft Windows is required, as the software operates within the Windows environment. This foundational knowledge ensures smoother navigation and utilization of the tool's features, enhancing overall efficiency in project management tasks.

Lesson 4

Working with Powerproject Files

In Powerproject, users create new files by selecting the 'New' option and configuring the project's parameters, and save them by using the 'Save' or 'Save As' command. To delete a file, users can locate the specific file within the system directory and remove it using the 'Delete' option.

Lesson 5

Creating a Project

In Asta Powerproject, users create new projects by selecting the 'New' option, where they can define and configure the project's parameters and settings. This step-by-step process allows for detailed customization, ensuring that the project aligns with specific goals and requirements.

Lesson 6

Working with Tasks

Creating Tasks in Asta Powerproject focuses on teaching participants how to define and manage various task types, including summary tasks, milestone tasks, and hammock tasks. Understanding these different task types is essential for planning and scheduling, as they each serve unique functions within the project's lifecycle.

Lesson 7

Linking Tasks

In Asta Powerproject, users link tasks by selecting the tasks they want to connect and then choosing the type of dependency relationship between them, such as Finish-to-Start or Start-to-Start. Linking tasks in this way ensures proper sequencing and defines the order in which tasks must be completed within the project's timeline.

Lesson 8

Structuring a Project

A project in Asta Powerproject is structured by defining a hierarchy of tasks, grouping them into summary tasks, and organizing them into stages or phases. This structure allows for clear visibility and control over different project components, enabling efficient planning, tracking, and execution of the project's goals and timelines.

Lesson 9

Rescheduling a Project

Rescheduling in Powerproject enables users to update the project schedule based on actual progress and changes in the project environment. By recalculating start and finish dates for remaining tasks, rescheduling ensures that the project timeline accurately reflects current conditions and maintains alignment with project goals.

Lesson 10

Working with Calendars

Calendars in Powerproject define the working and non-working days, along with specific working hours, that apply to individual tasks, resources, or the entire project. They play a crucial role in scheduling and timeline planning by accurately reflecting the time needed to complete tasks, thereby ensuring a realistic and achievable project timeline.

Lesson 11

Working with Constraint

Constraints in Powerproject are conditions or limitations applied to tasks that influence the start or finish dates, guiding the scheduling process. Examples of constraints include "Start No Earlier Than" or "Finish No Later Than," which allow users to align tasks with specific requirements, dependencies, or milestones within the project.

Lesson 12

Printing a Project

Printing a project in Asta Powerproject involves selecting the specific view or report you want to print, adjusting the print settings to suit the desired layout and format. Once the settings are configured, users can print the selected project details directly to a connected printer or save them as a PDF file for digital sharing.

Lesson 13

Working with Border Files

Border files in Asta Powerproject are templates that define the layout and appearance of the printed project reports, including elements such as headers, footers, logos, and page margins. Users can customize and save these border files to ensure consistent branding and formatting across various project documents and presentations.

Lesson 14

Coding in Asta Powerproject

Coding in Asta Powerproject allows users to assign specific codes or tags to tasks, resources, or other elements within the project, categorizing them according to criteria such as location, phase, or department. This coding system facilitates advanced filtering, sorting, and reporting, enabling more efficient analysis and management of different project components.

Lesson 15

Text Annotations

Text Annotations in Powerproject are custom text labels that users can add to tasks, bars, or other elements within a project's charts and diagrams. These annotations offer additional context or details, enhancing clarity and understanding of the project's structure, relationships, and progress.

Lesson 16

Working with Views

Views in Powerproject refer to the specific ways users can display and interact with project information, such as Gantt charts, histograms, or spreadsheet views. Users can customize and save different views to focus on particular aspects of the project, such as tasks, resources, or costs, enabling more targeted analysis and decision-making.

Lesson 17

Working with Templates

Templates in Powerproject are pre-defined project structures or setups that users can reuse for multiple projects, ensuring consistency and reducing setup time. These templates can include tasks, durations, relationships, and other key project elements, streamlining the initiation phase and promoting best practices across projects.

Method of Delivery

Leveraging In-Person for Asta Powerproject Training

Incorporating flexibility at its core, Catalyst ensures that its training delivery adapts to diverse learning settings, be it virtual or in-person. This approach not only promises an engaging learning experience but also immerses participants deeply into the subject matter. In addition to standard courses, Catalyst extends the offer of tailor-made private training sessions, meticulously designed to resonate with the unique needs of individuals or entire organizations. As a result, Catalyst’s Asta Powerproject Training establishes a solid foundation in project management, empowering participants to fully harness Asta’s potent features and drive their projects to success.

In-person training for Asta Powerproject offered by Catalyst brings a unique blend of advantages:

  • Real-time Feedback: Direct face-to-face interactions facilitate immediate questions, clarifications, and guidance from expert trainers.
  • Collaborative Learning: Physical sessions encourage group discussions, peer-to-peer interactions, and hands-on exercises, enriching the learning experience.
  • Hands-on Demonstrations: Catalyst’s trainers often incorporate live demos, allowing attendees to engage with Asta Powerproject’s features in real-time, fostering a practical understanding of the software.
  • Focused Environment: A dedicated learning setting minimizes distractions, ensuring participants can immerse themselves fully in the course content.
  • Networking Opportunities: Attendees get the chance to connect with fellow industry professionals, sharing experiences and insights.

In essence, Catalyst’s in-person training ensures a comprehensive and immersive learning journey, arming participants with the skills to maximize Asta Powerproject’s capabilities in their respective fields.

Using Virtual for Asta Powerproject Training

Virtual Training for Asta Powerproject, when facilitated through platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom, offers a plethora of benefits:

  • Accessibility & Savings: Virtual training, available anywhere, removes geographical restrictions and associated travel costs. This promotes convenience and reduces logistical challenges, making it feasible for attendees globally.

  • Interactive & Customizable Learning: Platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom facilitate an engaging learning environment with features like screen sharing and real-time annotations. Trainers can also dynamically adjust content based on real-time feedback, ensuring relevance and maximized engagement.

  • Economical & Resource Efficient: Virtual sessions negate the need for physical space rentals and material costs. Digital sharing of resources, like Asta Powerproject manuals, further reduces overheads while ensuring everyone has access to essential training materials.

  • Safety & Scalability: With health being a paramount concern, virtual training offers a secure learning environment. Platforms like Teams and Zoom also adapt to group sizes, ensuring quality training irrespective of the number of participants.

  • Consistency & Environmental Consideration: Every participant is ensured a uniform quality of training, leading to consistent learning outcomes. Additionally, the elimination of travel and physical infrastructure usage significantly reduces the carbon footprint, making it an eco-friendly alternative.

In essence, leveraging Microsoft Teams and Zoom for Asta Powerproject training not only streamlines the learning process but also introduces a level of efficiency, adaptability, and inclusivity that’s hard to achieve with traditional training methods.

Upcoming Asta Powerproject Training

August 2024
Aug 12
12 August 2024
Virtual Zoom Class, United States

The Introduction to Elecosoft Powerproject course is a two-day course designed to equip you with expert insights into the key strategies of project management. The course structure lays strong emphasis on project development, baseline creation, and project progression to ensure your projects stay on course and achieve all set objectives. Discover the potency of Elecosoft Powerproject and revolutionize your project management approach. Course Outline: Lesson 1: Understanding the Powerproject Interface & Creating a Project Lesson 2: Mastering Tasks & Hierarchies Lesson 3: Working with Constraints Lesson 4: Creating Calendars Lesson 5: Creating Views Lesson 6: Creating & Updating Baselines Lesson 7: Progressing a Project Lesson 8: Working with Templates Lesson 9: Working with Task Pools Who Can Benefit: Project Managers seeking to improve their project handling capabilities Project Schedulers aiming for improved task management Project Planners looking for efficient planning techniques Project Controllers wanting to enhance their control over project constraints and baselines

October 2024
Oct 28
28 October 2024
Virtual Zoom Class, United States

The Introduction to Elecosoft Powerproject course is a two-day course designed to equip you with expert insights into the key strategies of project management. The course structure lays strong emphasis on project development, baseline creation, and project progression to ensure your projects stay on course and achieve all set objectives. Discover the potency of Elecosoft Powerproject and revolutionize your project management approach. Course Outline: Lesson 1: Understanding the Powerproject Interface & Creating a Project Lesson 2: Mastering Tasks & Hierarchies Lesson 3: Working with Constraints Lesson 4: Creating Calendars Lesson 5: Creating Views Lesson 6: Creating & Updating Baselines Lesson 7: Progressing a Project Lesson 8: Working with Templates Lesson 9: Working with Task Pools Who Can Benefit: Project Managers seeking to improve their project handling capabilities Project Schedulers aiming for improved task management Project Planners looking for efficient planning techniques Project Controllers wanting to enhance their control over project constraints and baselines
